Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011
Our Tunnels are fine quality body jewellery products from surgical implant grade materials. Our body jewelry is imported into Australia from USA and offered
Free Shipping on Body Jewelry orders over $25! Our eyelets and flesh tunnels are available in acrylic, bone, glass, horn, silicone, stainless steel,
Body Jewelry. Mens. Ladies. Kids & Babies. Shoes. Bags & Accessories Gem Face 316L Surgical Steel Flesh Tunnel Plug from 16 Gauge to 00 Gauge
The Titanium Polar Tunnels are a really cool. Hard to tell in the pics but there is a White Ring...
Belly bars, tongue studs, eyebrow rings, flesh tunnels and much more. Thousands of body jewellery items made from silver, gold, amber, blackline, glass,
Our range of Body Jewellery includes Flesh Tunnels, Flesh Plugs, Lip Rings, Fake Plugs & Nose Studs. We stock all large & small gauge body piercing
Flesh tunnel is a body jewelry which is placed in the pierced area by Flesh tunnel body jewelry has become more modern way of body piercing to the teens
Find a large selection of flesh tunnels and earlets, all designs and styles are great for any stretched ear lobe. Choose from wood, titanium, and surgical
Body Jewelry Plugs and Tunnels, Large gauge body jewelry plugs. full line of body jewelry plugs and gauged plugs. gauged body jewelry from 14g to 2.5
Body jewelry at wholesale body piercing jewelry prices. As low as: $6.49, DE COLORES #2 Threaded Tunnel High Polish Steel Ear Jewelry 4mm - 1" - Price
Flesh Tunnels, Flesh Plugs & Tubes - Hardware Body Jewellery for extreme piercings & stretched ear piercing.
Ear tunnel body jewelry - 1984 results from 32 stores, including 6G - Maltese Ear Tunnel Plugs Body Jewelry, Pair 1/2" (12mm) Zulu Horn Flesh Tunnel Saddle
00 ga is a size of flesh tunnels jewelry. A flesh tunnel (also called gauge, earlet, fleshy, spool, eyelet) is a type of jewelry for body piercing.
We carry a complete selection of body jewelry including plugs, tapers, earlets, belly rings, tongue rings, eyebrow rings, captive bead
Buy Tunnel from top rated stores. Comparison shopping for the best price.
Tribalectic Body Jewelry Store - Body Piercing Jewelry and Accessories Plugs , earlets and tunnels are usually worn in lobe piercings but can also be
We carry many lines of body jewelry for specialised piercings. Check out our ear stretching section for unusual flesh tunnels, tubes and plugs as well as
FREEUPS world wide shipping for Body Jewelry orders over $500.00 *Warning* - the online ordering system on this website will not work properly with

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